This toolkit was made by Radical Routes - UK network of co-operatives.
Radical Routes put out a bid for project workers / toolkit developers, and Sim, Rowan, Vin and Ed were contracted to set the toolkit up online.
The toolkit project was drafted by individuals in RR, edited and collaborating with Publicity WG and Digital WG and Alice.
Come talk to us about these questions if
You are in a RR working group
Once their contract ends, how should it be maintained? Who should moderate it? How often updated? Which WG has ownership?
Currently on a mediawiki. We could change this?
Finance WG have a wiki - could we be friends with their wiki?
if you are (relatively) new to coops
Does this section make sense to you - Legal terms for different types of coops and 3 alternative structures [LINK]
Would it be helpful to have more info on the pre-incorporation stage i.e. - how to discuss/decide coop vision and values, who the coop is for (i.e. shared identities/membership) etc., how to find members when you are starting out on your own and deciding what is important to you and an iterative process with more people who might be interested to get a shared vision